Sunday, October 18, 2009

Context Table

Seasoned Sunrise
Cultural Context
Hobbit Magic
Social Context
Economic Context
HighFunctioning Bullets
Political Context
Dominating Factors
Disco is at the highest influential point.
Police are able to get control on drug war.
1980 Punk Rock; the anti-disco; dark/angry
The 80s are notorious for promoting heavy partying.
1983 drug war peak
Nuclear war scare
Music fluctuates with mood

Dominating Factors
Human Rights protesting is on the rise. -Gay rights -Anti-Iraq, Pro-Bush/Iraq, Green movement.
Divorce Rates sky rocketed 35%
Growing technology: Cell phones became more popular
Immigration rates are up.
Dominating Factors
1982-85: Recession
1985: Federal Debt at high point of $1,817.5 billion
Federal spending went up from 745.76 billion to 946.39 billion.
1987: Sharp increase in exports/imports.
Employment rates increase
Recession; Gross National Profit increase
Dominating Factors
1978: -Vietnam and Soviet Union sign a 25 year peace treaty
1980: United States loses control of oil prices
1983: President Reagan announces the Strategic Defense Initiative, which involves new state-of-the-art technology that has capabilities of shooting down incoming Soviet missiles
1985: Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union and is willing to negotiate with President Reagan about nuclear weapons.
Gas prices were at its highest from 1980 to 1983
Increase of women in office
Major Chrysler bailout

Hidden Factors
Aids; people were aware of it but not how badly they were going to be impacted.
With Disco fading out and the new punk rock/heavy metal coming in could this have something to do with economic stress? increased spending?
In 1978, 49% of American Federation of Government Employees is women... More women also working in office. Coincidence?
Rise of comedic movies
1985 Cosby Show airs (happy/good vibes)
Hidden Factors
Consumer spending went up because of credit cards.
Divorce Rates: Did they go up because of financial insecurity or because of the “Peace, Love and Happiness” of the 70s has disappeared and things are becoming more dark.
Immigration rates are up because of our increased spending and credit cards, we seem like a plentiful country? What culture of immigrated.
Hidden Factors
Federal spending went up, were consumers mimicking their government?
Recession: back in it in present time, is there anything that is repeating itself from the past that is going on today?
Increased spending could this be a reason women are going into the work force and taking more leadership/men roles.. Because they need money and everyone is divorcing!
Scandal: Irangate: US selling weapons to Iran in order to free hostages. Why would we do this?
Stock market crash scare Growing inflation
Hidden Factors
The massive bailouts are a reoccurring trend because GMC asked for a bailout in present time.
Reoccurring trends in oil prices go up
Reoccurring trends in bailouts
Rise of oil prices lead U.S. into recession
social security (repeating itself today)
Bad Ideas:
What is the Love Canal disaster?
How did the Police get ahold of the drug war...
Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
Bad Ideas:
A whole section on the 70s.
Bad Ideas:
Black Monday
Bad Ideas:
Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev dies
As the Cold War decreased the morale in people increased.
Reoccurring trends in bailouts is because the economy is heading towards a recession
Rock/Punk music is the expressive outlet for the depressed population about their spending habits and high divorce rates.
Key Players:
Change of music from disco to punk rock

Key Players:
Growing technology
Increased rates in divorces and immigration
Key Players:
Increased government spending.
Key Players:
Cold War
Chrysler and social security bailouts

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Political context 1978-1988

Group Members: Ashley Wheeler, Kira Preston and Taylor Mulvihill
